Thursday, December 10, 2009

Best quit smoking benenfits

How to quit smoking to avail the best quit smoking benenfits?

There are few smokers who know how to quit smoking without any external help. Not everyone can quit smoking now the cold turkey way. If you don’t know how to quit smoking, you may find it difficult to kick the butt, but quit smoking now is extremely easy, especially when there are many aids and drugs out there.

The main ingredient in a cigarette is nicotine, which is the primary cause of addiction. Due to the strong nicotine addiction, smokers find it hard to quit. Even if they quit smoking now, the withdrawal symptoms can make their life difficult. But when you sit down calmly and think about various quitting smoking benefits, you’ll feel motivated to kick the butt.

Quitting smoking benefits

The foremost benefit of quitting smoking is an improvement in health. You can feel some immediate quitting smoking benefits like better food taste, improved breathing, and great financial benefits as well. If you calculate the amount of your hard earned money that is spent in buying cigarettes, it certainly comes to a large amount. You can save this money and utilize it for some useful work in your life.

Quit smoking Now

Even if you are a long time smoker, you don’t need to worry as it’s never too late to quit. You can still quit smoking now with the help of a suitable aid. Just imagine the various quitting smoking benefits including health and financial benefits. You can also join a smoking cessation program in your locally or online that can provide you proactive help and brief you about quitting smoking benefits to firm up your resolve.

You can quit smoking now if you are a strong willed person but don’t worry if you find it difficult. You can take the much needed help from useful drugs like Chantix and quit smoking now. But make sure that Chantix is suitable for you. Like all prescription drugs, Chantix can cause some undesirable side effects. You need an approval from a medical doctor to buy Chantix from a local pharmacy or online.

Some common side effects of this quit smoking medication are nausea, headache, abnormal dreams, insomnia, dizziness, changes in taste, changes in appetite, increased blood pressure, restlessness, increased urination, mood swings, low sex drive, constipation, diarrhea and vomiting. It’s advisable to consult a doctor if you feel any discomfort during the treatment with this drug.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Quit smoking benefits from day 1 through to the 10th year

Introduction of Chantix treatment for smoking cessation has led to the rise in people who wish to quit smoking. Many people are contemplating to quit smoking, as now it has become easier to do so. If you too wish to quit smoking with Chantix but are having some last minute reservations about it, one glance at the rewards of quitting smoking and you too will be rejoiced at the prospect of giving up cigarettes for good.

Quit smoking benefits timeline

The benefits of quitting smoking can be felt from day 1. In fact, your pulse and blood pressure returns to normal in the first 20 minutes of your quitting smoking. It is possible to revive your health, even if you feel you have been smoking for the most part of your life. Quit smoking benefits timeline has been listed below to give you a better idea about your prospects if you quit smoking:

# Day 1

• Blood pressure and pulse becomes normal again
• Level of nicotine and carbon monoxide in blood reduce by half
• Oxygen levels return to normal
• Lungs start to purge mucous and other smoking debris

# Week 1

• There is no nicotine left in the body
• Ability to taste and smell is improves vastly
• It becomes easier to breathe

# Month 1

• Bronchial tubes relax
• Energy levels increase
• Circulation improves

# Year 1

• You get freedom from coughs, wheezing and breathing problems
• Lung functions improve by up to 10%

# Year 5

• Risk of heart attack falls to about half

# Year 10

• Risk of lung cancer falls to about half that of a smoker
• Risk of heart attack declines to become same as someone who has never smoked

Chantix treatment

If the aforementioned health benefits have boosted your decision to give up smoking and lead a healthier life, you can do so with ease with the Chantix quit smoking help. It is neither too early nor too late to quit smoking. Consult a doctor to find out if it is safe for you to have Chantix treatment for smoking cessation now and get your health back on track!