Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Learn about the damaging effects of smoking on health

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that smoking effects are perhaps one of the greatest causes of death and disease worldwide. An estimated 5 million people die every year throughout the world because of smoking effects. Without doubt, there is a strong need to fully assess the impact of smoking effects on the health of people as well a plethora of quit smoking benefits that a non-smoker can derive. Knowing about various quit smoking benefits can help the smokers to kick the habit for better health options.

It has become mandatory for every cigarette packet to carry the warning, ‘Smoking is injurious to health,’ but the seriousness of this warning is often neglected by people who can’t seem to give up the addiction. With approximately 25 serious diseases associated with smoking effects, quit smoking benefits would any day far outweigh the damaging effects on health that smoking has.

Smoking and heart attack

Cigarettes contain the addictive nicotine as their main ingredient. Due to the strong nicotine addiction, many smokers find it difficult to quit smoking even if they are aware of the serious smoking effects and various quit smoking benefits.

Various studies conducted to evaluate the more serious smoking effects on the health of people have concluded that smokers are more likely to have a heart attack than non-smokers. Cigarettes contain tobacco, which contributes to hardening and clogging of the arteries, leading to inadequate blood flow to the heart, thus causing a heart attack. If you continue smoking over a period of time, a stroke is very likely to occur.

Smoking and lung problems

The primary health risk that comes to our mind when we think about serious smoking effects on health is lung cancer. It kills an estimated 150,000 people a year in the US alone. According to various studies conducted in the US from time to time, most smokers increase their chances of dying young due to lung cancer; for men the risk is exaggerated by 22 times and by 12 times for women smokers.

Other smoking effects

Smoking effects can cause other health problems like uterine, bladder, kidney, stomach and cervical cancers including leukemia. Moreover, second hand smoke is also harmful for children. Smoking during pregnancy greatly increases the risk of miscarriage, leads to lower birth weight babies and may also lead to inhibited child development.

Although the health risks of smoking are endless, kicking the habit can yield several positives on the health front. Smokers can yield instant quit smoking benefits regardless of their age, or the length of time they have been smoking.

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